娣卞湷-----澶ф鎮ㄥ凡缁忎粠鍚勭娓犻亾瓒婃潵瓒婂鐨勪簡瑙e埌杩欎釜涓栫晫涓婃渶骞磋交鐨勫煄甯備箣涓€锛屾垜浠劅鍒伴潪甯稿簡骞稿湴閫夋嫨杩欏骇鍩庡競鍋氭垜浠儹鐖辩殑琛屼笟---models Agency锛屾洿鏈夊垢璁よ瘑鎮紒


       Shenzhen -- one of the youngest city in the world. Probably you have known more and more about the city from various ways. We are so glad to do the job- Model Agency which we love in here. Also it is our great honor to know you.


    涓浗涓庡浗闄呮帴杞ㄧ殑鏃堕棿寰堢煭锛岃€屾繁鍦充綔涓轰腑鍥界殑鍓嶆部鍜岃瘯鐐瑰煄甯傦紝鎴愪负寮€鍚浗闄呬箣闂ㄧ殑閲嶈鍩庡競涔嬩竴锛岃繖閲屽勾杞绘椿鍔涳紝鏄腑鍥界殑鍒涙剰鍜屾椂灏氱殑闆嗕腑鍦帮紝杩欓噷闆嗙粨浜嗕腑鍥芥渶鍏峰晢涓氫环鍊肩殑楂樼鏈嶈鍝佺墝銆佺彔瀹濆搧鐗屻€侀挓琛ㄤ互鍙婄毊鍏烽瀷绫诲搧鐗岋紝琚笟鐣岀О涓轰腑鍥藉コ瑁呬箣閮姐€佺彔瀹濅箣閮姐€侀挓琛ㄤ箣閮斤紝鏃跺皻浜т笟涓嶄粎鍒涢€犱簡姣忓勾鍑犲崈浜跨殑缁忔祹鏁堢泭锛岃€屼笖閫愬勾鎴愬€嶅湴澧為暱锛屾繁鍦冲凡缁忔垚涓哄紩棰嗗浗鍐呮椂灏氱殑椋庡悜鏍囥€?span lang="EN-US">


        Shenzhen is one of the most important city to open the international door as the frontier and pilot city in China. Here full of youthful and vigor, it is a concentration area for originality and fashion with the most of the commercial 锛?118alue of high-end clothing , jewelry, watches, leather and footwear brand etc. Now it is called the capital of fashion which include women鈥檚 clothing, jewelry , watches by the chinese insider. The fashion industry not only create hundreds of billions dollars economic benefits each year, but also increasing doubled year by year. Shenzhen has become to the leader of the domestic fashion.


    娣卞湷鏀垮簻鍦ㄤ粖骞村伐浣滄姤鍛婁腑鎻愬埌锛氣€滃ぇ鍔涘彂灞曢兘甯傛椂灏氬瀷浜т笟锛屾帹鍔ㄦ湇瑁呫€侀挓琛ㄣ€侀粍閲戠彔瀹濈瓑浜т笟楂樼鍖栵紝鎵撻€犳洿澶氬浗鍐呭鐭ュ悕鍝佺墝銆傗€濅互姝よ兘鐪嬪嚭鏀垮簻宸插皢閮藉競鏃跺皻鍨嬩骇涓氬綋鎴愭繁鍦抽噸鐐规壎鎸佺殑浜т笟銆備紶缁熶骇涓氱晫閮ㄥ垎浜哄+璁や负锛屾繁鍦虫椂灏氫骇涓氭湭鏉ュ彂灞曞墠鏅厜鏄庛€傛煇鍥藉唴楂樼濂宠浼佷笟鐨勮礋璐d汉鍦ㄨ皥鍙婃繁鍦虫椂灏氫骇涓氱殑鍙戝睍鏃讹紝鑳告€€澶фⅵ鎯筹細鈥滀笘鐣岄瀵屽墠鍗佸己锛屾湁涓変綅鏄粠浜嬫椂灏氫骇涓氱殑銆傝€屼笖杩欎釜鎺掑悕杩樺湪涓嶆柇鐨勫彉鍖栦腑,2012骞磋タ鐝墮Zara鑰佹澘鐢氳嚦涓€搴﹁秴杩囦簡宸磋彶鐗瑰厛鐢熴€傗€濊繖浜涘競鍦哄熀纭€缁欎骇涓氬唴鐨勫悇鍝佺墝甯︽潵宸ㄥぇ鐨勪俊蹇冿紝浜т笟閾剧殑鎴愮啛锛屽浗闄呭寲鐨勬€濈淮锛屽彲鎯虫繁鍦崇殑浼樺娍鐩稿綋鏄捐憲锛岃繖涓€鍒囬兘璁╂垜浠豢浣涚湅鍒颁簡绫冲叞鐨勬槰澶╋紝涓烘ā鐗圭粡绾涓氭彁渚涗簡浼樿川鐨勫湡澹わ紝鎴戜滑浠ユ繁鍦充负涓績锛岃緪灏勫箍涓溿€佸寳浜€佷笂娴风瓑鍦帮紝鏁翠釜妯$壒缁忕邯琛屼笟涔熷凡缁忓湪杩戜簺骞村垱閫犱簡鑹ソ鐨勫彛纰戯紝鍦ㄤ腑鍥斤紝涓氬唴宸茬粡闈炲父娓呮櫚鍦扮湅鍒帮紝娣卞湷鐨勬ā鐗圭粡绾凡缁忚蛋鍦ㄥ墠娌匡紝瓒婃潵瓒婂浗闄呭寲鐨勬浼愶紝璁╀竴浜涘浗闄呴泦鍥㈡洿澶氱殑鎶婄溂鍏夋姇鍚戣繖閲岋紝鐢氳嚦鎬ラ€熷湴娓楅€忚繘鏉ワ紝鎴戜滑鎬€鎶辨ⅵ鎯筹紝鎰夸笌鎮ㄤ竴璧蜂韩鍙楄繖涓競鍦哄甫鏉ョ殑宸ㄥぇ鍟嗘満銆?span lang="EN-US">



         Recently it is showed on governmental report which is that the urban fashion industry will be rapidly developed and the clothing industry, watches industry, gold, jewelry industry and so on will be promoted to the high-end level, also more well-known brands in inside and outside will be built.鈥?nbsp; It shows that the government has considered the city of fashion industry as a key support industry in Shenzhen. Some insiders of traditional industry think that the development of Shenzhen fashion industry has a bright future. A responsible person of a famous domestic high-end women鈥檚 clothing enterprise talked about the Shenzhen fashion industry, has a big dream, "the richest man in the world top ten, three are in the fashion industry. and the ranking is constantly changing, The fortune of the Spanish Zara was even more than Mr. Buffett鈥檚 in 2012."


    杩欎簺甯傚満鍩虹缁欎骇涓氬唴鐨勫悇鍝佺墝甯︽潵宸ㄥぇ鐨勪俊蹇冿紝浜т笟閾剧殑鎴愮啛锛屽浗闄呭寲鐨勬€濈淮锛屽彲鎯虫繁鍦崇殑浼樺娍鐩稿綋鏄捐憲锛岃繖涓€鍒囬兘璁╂垜浠豢浣涚湅鍒颁簡绫冲叞鐨勬槰澶╋紝涓烘ā鐗圭粡绾涓氭彁渚涗簡浼樿川鐨勫湡澹わ紝鎴戜滑浠ユ繁鍦充负涓績锛岃緪灏勫箍涓溿€佸寳浜€佷笂娴风瓑鍦帮紝鏁翠釜妯$壒缁忕邯琛屼笟涔熷凡缁忓湪杩戜簺骞村垱閫犱簡鑹ソ鐨勫彛纰戯紝鍦ㄤ腑鍥斤紝涓氬唴宸茬粡闈炲父娓呮櫚鍦扮湅鍒帮紝娣卞湷鐨勬ā鐗圭粡绾凡缁忚蛋鍦ㄥ墠娌匡紝瓒婃潵瓒婂浗闄呭寲鐨勬浼愶紝璁╀竴浜涘浗闄呴泦鍥㈡洿澶氱殑鎶婄溂鍏夋姇鍚戣繖閲岋紝鐢氳嚦鎬ラ€熷湴娓楅€忚繘鏉ワ紝鎴戜滑鎬€鎶辨ⅵ鎯筹紝鎰夸笌鎮ㄤ竴璧蜂韩鍙楄繖涓競鍦哄甫鏉ョ殑宸ㄥぇ鍟嗘満銆?span lang="EN-US">


        The market basis brings a tremendous confidence for all the brands in the industry, the maturity of the industry chain, the internationalization of thinking, you can see that Shenzhen has a distinct advantage. All these make we see that Shenzhen will be the next Milan. And provide the excellent quality soil for model agent industry. Shenzhen as the center, and radiates to Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, a good reputation has been created in the whole model agent industry in recent year. In China, It鈥檚 very clear to see that the model agent has been at the forefront in Shenzhen. Increasing the pace of internationalization, make some international group put more sights here, even rapidly infiltrated. We have dreams, and we would like to enjoy the tremendous business opportunities with you.